Industrial linux

Now it's real(ly) time!

Quality and Test System

Development Options Dev Ops

Our IGL is being tested continuously in interaction with our build system. So you can be sure that all components are available in the same quality for each release.

Just as our Industrial Grade Linux is continuously tested, we also test your customized BSP. Optionally your specific hardware extensions included. So you are safe to get a solution that does work.

Our automated test procedures, the intelligent test boxes as counter station to your hardware and the connection to an integration system like Jenkins allow us continuous testing and efficient regression testing for our life cycle management.

Upon request, you can get access to your board in our test farm or we can help you install the test environment and tests at your site.

Optionally, the tests can also be adapted exactly to your hardware and your requirements. As part of our life-cycle process, you always receive a BSP that has been tested for you, which you can then deploy for your approvals or your black box test.

Jenkins' Testing